Unit Mechanics

Red Covenant's gameplay is centered around units, the playable characters that are the heart of combat and strategic gameplay. Understanding the intricacies of unit components is key to mastering the game and advancing through its challenges. Here's an in-depth look at the various elements that define a unit and how they influence gameplay.

Unit Components Explained:

1. Stats and Intrinsic Stats

  • Movement and Size: Characters are designed within the game's spatial metrics, with movement speeds and character sprite sizes (measured in unity units) affecting positioning and maneuverability in combat.

2. Support Unit Bonus towards Vanguards

  • Stat Bonuses: Support units, although not directly engaging in combat, contribute by boosting the stats of Vanguard units in battle. A percentage of their stats (e.g., 10%) is allocated to each Vanguard, enhancing their combat effectiveness.

3. Bond Level and Bond Bonus

  • Relationship Rewards: The bond between players and their characters strengthens through interaction, providing stat bonuses that reflect the depth of their connection. These bonuses are unique to each character and can accumulate across different versions of the same character.

4. More Detailed Stats

  • Level: Indicates a unit's strength, with the player's Account Level capping the maximum level of a unit. Leveling up improves core stats like HP, ATK, DEF, and healing capabilities.

  • Star Level: Reflects both the rarity and power level of a character, with the potential for upgrades. Characters are balanced to ensure equal power at maximum star levels.

  • Damage and Armor Types: These properties determine the effectiveness of attacks based on interactions with the target's armor, affecting whether attacks deal bonus damage or are resisted.

  • Deployment Type: Distinguishes between Strikers (combat units) and Support units, affecting their role in battle.

  • Terrain Affinity: Provides stage-specific bonuses or maluses, influencing unit performance based on the current environment.

5. Unique Weapon and Progression

  • Exclusive Arsenal: Every character wields a Unique Weapon tied to their lore, with a dedicated progression system accessible through gacha or specific game modes.

6. Formation and Archetype

  • Strategic Categorization: These classifications assist in team composition, though the actual impact on gameplay derives from the unit's stats and abilities rather than the classification itself.

7. Faction

  • Lore-based Alignment: Characters belong to factions for storytelling purposes, which may influence progression materials and game economy without directly impacting combat.

8. Buff Mechanics

  • Duration and Extension: Buffs have base durations that can be extended through abilities, with mechanics in place for refreshing durations upon reapplication without stacking effects.

9. Summons

  • Auxiliary Forces: Summons bring additional entities into combat, possessing unique stats influenced by the summoning character's stats and equipment, offering strategic depth to battles.

Gameplay Impact:

Understanding these components allows players to make informed decisions about team composition, unit leveling, and strategic deployment in combat. Each aspect, from stat bonuses to unique weapons and summons, plays a critical role in shaping the player's experience and success in Avarik Saga. Mastery of these elements will enable players to optimize their units' potential, navigate challenges more effectively, and enjoy a richer, more engaging gameplay experience.

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